
  • Friday Morning: March 23rd, 2024 - 7pm to 11pm
  • Saturday Morning: March 24th, 2024 - 9am to 1pm
  • Saturday Afternoon: March 24th 2024 - 2pm to 6pm
  • Saturday Evening: March 24th, 2024 - 7pm to 11pm
  • Sunday Morning: March 25th, 2024 - 9am to 1pm

Schedule Signups - Click on links at the bottom of signup page for details

  Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5
Friday Evening
(7pm - 11pm)
Sector Grab This is no Zaku Whose Fleet is That Anyway? Learn to play BattleTech! Open Gaming
Saturday Morning
(9am - 1pm)
I Have You Now! North Sea Duel - 1989 TBD Reclaim the Trench! Appleseed: Crisis at Terra Labs
Saturday Afternoon
(2pm - 6pm)
Open Gaming Open Gaming BattleTech Salvage Free for All Landing at Point Storm The 2025 GZG Game by Steve and Martin
Saturday Evening
(7pm - 11pm)
Easy Pickins Sink the Boomer! The Blue Max Tournament Open Gaming Open Gaming
Sunday Morning
(9am - 1pm)
Red Dust Rebellion: The Martian Revolution of 2250 Open Gaming The Shadow of Zarkov Learn to play BattleTech! Open Gaming

Friday Evening

TABLE 1Sector Grab
SystemFull Thrust
Game MasterKen Wang
Players4 - 8 playersComplexity
Two fleets attempt to destroy hostile forces and gain control of more sectors then the opposition.

TABLE 2This is no Zaku
Game MasterStuart Murray
Players2 - 4 playersComplexity
More stompy robots in Spaaaace!

TABLE 3Whose Fleet is That Anyway?
Game MasterIndy Kocthe
Players6 - 8 playersComplexity
Fleets from different factions enter the Ahhotep Nebula, seeking enemies thought to be within to destroy. Only, there might be friendlies within as well. The only way to tell is to get close, because the nebula plays holy hell with all starship sensors, passive and active. Best if you find your enemies before your enemies find you - they may not be one and the same!

TABLE 4Learn to play BattleTech!
SystemBattleTech Total Warfare by Catalyst Game Labs
Game MasterJohn Hollenbeck
Players2 - 6 playersComplexity
Welcome to the game of armored combat set in the 31 st century! One of the longest running military sci-fi games (since 1984), BattleTech puts you in the cockpit of a humanoid "walking tank". Ranging from 20 to 100 tons and standing from 10 to 17 meters, BattleMechs are the premier unit of warfare, piloted by you, a MechWarrior. Set in 3025, mankind has spread to the stars after the discovery of faster than light travel, but conflict was never far behind. The once great Star League that united all of humanity has long since fallen. The League fractured into five major houses along with numerous smaller factions. In this region of the galaxy, known as the Inner Sphere, practically every planet has seen some conflict while others have known nothing but a constant state of warfare with BattleMechs leading the charge. Will you fight in the armed forces of a great house, become a mercenary working for the highest bidder, or join the bands of pirates that prey on the fringes of known space?

Players will choose their BattleMech from a selection of predetermined units to battle it out with their opponents in a full 3D terrain environment. For players that are familiar with BattleTech the tech level will be Introductory using common units found in the year 3025 (Succession Wars era). Players will be able to drop-in or drop-out over the course of the demo, with replacement mechs available as players are destroyed, to get right back in the action! Each player that participates in the demo will also receive one random miniature to keep. The mini will be unpainted, however painting the miniature is half the fun of BattleTech!

So jump in your mech and get out there MechWarrior! No guts, no galaxy!

TABLE 5Open Gaming

Saturday Morning

TABLE 1I Have You Now!
SystemStar Wars X-Wing Miniature Game (v2.0)
Game MasterDerek Collazo
Players2 - 10 playersComplexity
In orbit above an Ice Moon, a Rebel Alliance Corellian Corvette has been caught by surprise. A new Raider class Star Destroyer, designed for pursuit, has arrived out of hyperspace to attack. The outnumbered Rebel starfighters must hold off the Empire TIE fighters long enough for the Corvette to escape, or if they can, drive back the Raider. The Imperials must put down the Corvette once and for all!

Players will play fighters and their pilots, engaging in dogfights to turn the tide and launch direct attacks on the key vessels themselves. Everyone is welcome, whether a veteran of the system or never having played it before. Bring your best Star Wars catchphrases, too!

TABLE 2North Sea Duel - 1989
SystemConn Sonar
Game MasterJon Davis
Players2 - 6 playersComplexity
The Cold War has gone hot. US and Russian submarines engage in the North Sea.

Game MasterJeff Aubert

TABLE 4Reclaim the Trench!
SystemTrench Crusade 15mm
Game MasterGreg Davis
Players2 - 4 playersComplexity
A force of Heretic Legionnaires have pushed the defenders of humanity out of their firing trench. The forces in the support trench must reclaim the spot on the line before the Legion has time to solidify their position.

TABLE 5Appleseed: Crisis at Terra Labs
SystemSpectre Operations
Game MasterMark Kinsey
In the year 2131 at the heart of the sprawling utopian city of Olympus, Terra Labs has been taken over by a radical terrorist faction known as The Phoenix Order. ESWAT, the elite special forces division of the city's police, has been dispatched to resolve the crisis.

Saturday Afternoon

TABLE 1Open Gaming

TABLE 2Open Gaming

TABLE 3BattleTech Salvage Free for All
SystemBattleTech Total Warfare by Catalyst Game LabsGM:
Game MasterJohn Hollenbeck
Players3 - 5 playersComplexity
Players will be given two random BattleMech miniatures to choose from to battle it out with their opponents in a full 3D terrain environment. The miniature that is not used will go in a prize pool. As the combat proceeds a ring will slowly close in on the players forcing them to either move or be declared out of bounds. The last player standing gets their choice of miniature to keep from the prize pool, as well as the miniature they used to play with, along with a bonus random miniature. Second place player gets to choose next and so one. Each player leaves with two miniatures, with the winner receiving three. For players that are familiar with BattleTech the tech level will be Standard using units found in the year 3067 (Civil War era). All miniatures will unpainted, however painting the miniature is half the fun of BattleTech!

TABLE 4Landing at Point Storm
Game MasterStuart Murray
Players6 playersComplexity
Begun the Clone Wars have.

TABLE 5The 2025 GZG Game by Steve and Martin
SystemStargrunt (modified)
Game MasterSteve Barosi / Martin Connell
Players6 playersComplexity
Supple, vital young thighs. Cotton fabric straining to hold in voluptuous mounds of womanhood.

These have nothing to do with this year's game from Steve and Martin, other than all of them were "researched " in a fevered dream from the chinaman's pipe. Yes, back to the colonial period; back to the Sudan; back to the history that historians have ignored (or hidden from us!).

Now in Panavision and Technicolor!

Saturday Evening

TABLE 1Easy Pickins
SystemFull Thrust
Game MasterCarl Scheu
Players2 - 8 playersComplexity
A very rich convoy, is moving through a very restrictive waypoint outside of claimed territory. This should be easy pickins for a fat reward what could possibly go wrong?

TABLE 2Sink the Boomer!
SystemConn Sonar
Game MasterJon Davis
Players2 - 5 playersComplexity
A Russian Typhoon class ballistic missile submarine is being escorted to its bastion by an Akula and Sierra hunter-killer submarines. Can the US submarines intercept and sink the boomer?

TABLE 3The Blue Max Tournament
SystemWings of War/Wings of Glory
Game MasterIndy Kocthe
Players6 - 8 playersComplexity
The Blue Max (or Pour le Merite) was a highly sought after award given to those who gave extraordinary personal achievements in combat. Only the best of the best were decorated with this medal. It is the height of World War 1. You are one of the premiere fighter pilots for your country of the time, and have been invited to partake in this tournament. For this particular event, hostilities between the various country powers have been temporarily suspended so the invited pilots may attend the tournament without undue hardship. Who will be the winner, taking home this coveted prize? Leather caps, goggles, and silk scarves are encouraged, but not required.

TABLE 4Open Gaming

TABLE 5Open Gaming

Sunday Morning

TABLE 1Red Dust Rebellion: The Martian Revolution of 2250
SystemRed Dust Rebellion: The Martian Revolution of 2250
Game MasterScott Jenks
Players2 - 4 playersComplexity
Red Dust Rebellion Is the latest of GMT's acclaimed series of counterinsurgency (COIN) card based war games, the first non-historical COIN set in the future. new mechanics capture the unique Martian environment. Players will play one of 4 factions vying for control of Mar's,future. The Martian Provisional Government, the Earth based Corporations, the native Red Dust Movemmet, and the post human Church a the Reclaimer. Each faction has its own unique mechanics, powers, and win conditions. Winning hearts and minds and retaining a positive credit for will be as Important as winning battle.

TABLE 2Open Gaming

TABLE 3The Shadow of Zarkov
SystemPulp Alley
Game MasterSteve Barosi
Players4 - 6 playersComplexity
Dark clouds gather as competing leagues race to uncover the secrets of the infamous Dr. Zarkov. The brilliant yet unhinged scientist has vanished, leaving behind whispers of a terrifying death ray hidden deep within his lair. Treacherous traps, cryptic puzzles, and rivalries abound as each league vies to claim this ultimate weapon of destruction.

Will you navigate the perils of Zarkov's shadowy domain and seize the death ray for your own? Or will another league rise to dominance and wield its devastating power? Prepare for intrigue, danger, and a clash of wits in this thrilling adventure!

TABLE 4Learn to play BattleTech!
SystemBattleTech Total Warfare by Catalyst Game Labs
Game MasterJohn Hollenbeck
Players2 - 6 playersComplexity
Welcome to the game of armored combat set in the 31 st century! One of the longest running military sci-fi games (since 1984), BattleTech puts you in the cockpit of a humanoid "walking tank". Ranging from 20 to 100 tons and standing from 10 to 17 meters, BattleMechs are the premier unit of warfare, piloted by you, a MechWarrior. Set in 3025, mankind has spread to the stars after the discovery of faster than light travel, but conflict was never far behind. The once great Star League that united all of humanity has long since fallen. The League fractured into five major houses along with numerous smaller factions. In this region of the galaxy, known as the Inner Sphere, practically every planet has seen some conflict while others have known nothing but a constant state of warfare with BattleMechs leading the charge. Will you fight in the armed forces of a great house, become a mercenary working for the highest bidder, or join the bands of pirates that prey on the fringes of known space?

Players will choose their BattleMech from a selection of predetermined units to battle it out with their opponents in a full 3D terrain environment. For players that are familiar with BattleTech the tech level will be Introductory using common units found in the year 3025 (Succession Wars era). Players will be able to drop-in or drop-out over the course of the demo, with replacement mechs available as players are destroyed, to get right back in the action! Each player that participates in the demo will also receive one random miniature to keep. The mini will be unpainted, however painting the miniature is half the fun of BattleTech!

So jump in your mech and get out there MechWarrior! No guts, no galaxy!

TABLE 5Open Gaming

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