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Welcome to the GZG -- ECC III webiste. Here is specific information on GZG-ECC III. You can find information about Lancaster and the Hotel Brunswick, off the convention home page.


Thanks to everybody who made GZG-ECC III such a great success. I'd also like to thank Tom McCarthy, Kr'rt Wasserman, Tom Barclay, Brian Bell, Mike Sarno, Mark Kochte and Jon Davis for help with captions. (If you notice anything caption wise, or can add stuff, please let me know!)

Winners of Miniatures Contest


    • Tied for First: Jim Bell and Erik Kochte

      15/25 mm for SG2

    • First: Tom Pope
    • Second: Erik Kochte

      1/300 for DS2

    • First: Nick Caldwell
    • Second: Tom Pope
Thanks to everybody who participated! GZG-ECC IV is scheduled for March 2nd-4th, 2001, in Lancaster, PA. We'll have a website setup for it as soon as we can.


Thanks to all those vendors who provided prizes for GZG-ECC III... You can find more information on our links page. Many of these vendors were at GZG-ECC III; support them!

If you have any questions about this site, please contact Jerry Han.

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Last Modified: Sunday, 18-Oct-2015 12:03:03 EDT