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This is for convention specific information about GZG-ECC 7,
taking place on February 27-29, 2004.
You can read about our convention location at the
Brunswick Hotel in beautiful
Lancaster, PA.
More info on the convention in general, plus info on past
conventions, can be found off of the Convention
Home Page.
What's New?
March 7th, 2004
GZG-ECC 7 - February 27th-29th, 2004
GZG-ECC 7 is now over! Thanks to our Guest of Honor, Jon Tuffley, our
vendors, and all our attendees for coming out and being a part of
our Convention.
After Action Reports are now posted.
Information on GZG-ECC 8 will be announced once we've got some
final details nailed down. Stay tuned!
GZG-ECC 7 Con Booklet (920kB)
Any questions, please send to Jerry Han -