
  • Friday Morning: February 22nd, 2013 - 7pm to 11pm
  • Saturday Morning: February 23rd, 2013 - 9am to 1pm
  • Saturday Afternoon: February 23rd, 2013 - 2pm to 6pm
  • Saturday Evening: February 23rd, 2013 - 7pm to 11pm
  • Sunday Morning: February 24th, 2013 - 9am to 1pm

Schedule Signups - Click on links at bottom of signups for details

  Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6
Friday Evening
(7pm - 11pm)
Open Gaming Raiders! Star Trek Starship Combat: Into the Maelstrom Operation Sucker Punch Bughunt Puma Down!
Saturday Morning
(9am - 1pm)
Something is Afoot Around Restalac IV Convergence Exercise Scratch-build Workshop and Contest Drop Zone Z The Revolution will be televised (with a 15 minute delay) Beat the Odds
Saturday Afternoon
(2pm - 6pm)
Operation Damocles Nova Station Shooting Fish in a Barrel 3 Get Back ... To Serenity Terran forces have entered the base....zzzzzzzzzsh Its Life, Jim, But Not As We Know It
Saturday Evening
(7pm - 11pm)
Babylon 5: Voices in the Dark The Battle of Madderly's Star To Boldly Go... Super Mega Hyper Mecha Smackdown! (Lite) White Star, Blood Red Free Fire Zone
Sunday Morning
(9am - 1pm)
Convoy Run Open Gaming Arena Team Deathmatch 2022 Nacht der Toten A Walk Through the Valley of Death Rhodesian Bush War: External Ops

Friday Evening

TABLE 1Open Gaming

TABLE 2Raiders!
SystemFull Thrust
Game MasterJon Davis
Players4 - 12 playersComplexityIntroductory
After weeks of intense simulator fleet training, the Estrell Naval Academy SIMONA system lets the students take a break. This scenario simulates a fleet attack against a convoy. Points are scored for freighters destroyed, but watch out for your nemesis.

TABLE 3Star Trek Starship Combat: Into the Maelstrom
SystemCustom rules (based on FASA Starship Tactical Combat Simulator)
Game MasterRon Walls
Players4 - 8 playersComplexity
Captain’s Log, Stardate 9501.5. Starship USS Cumberland leading Task Force 37 on patrol near the Klingon neutral zone. A garbled subspace transmission was received by a border outpost less than an hour ago and relayed to us. Long range scans detected a vessel trapped in a decaying orbit around a previously uncharted singularity. A Klingon battle group is approaching on an intercept course. Our mission is to rescue that ship before the Klingons can interfere. Red Alert, all hands to battle stations!

TABLE 4Operation Sucker Punch
SystemOperation Squad WWII
Game MasterAaron Newman
Players2 - 6 playersComplexity
As the Germans deploy cyborg zombies to the front lines for one last offensive to end the war, the Allies' last hope relies on an unlikely squad of heavily-armed, scantily-clad heroines to fight through the hordes of undead and intercept the German plans. Expect mecha, Fokker triplanes, and surprise objective complications. Using Massimo Torriani & Valentino del Castello's Operation Squad rules for 28mm WWII skirmish combat, with a few slight modifications. No experience with Operation Squad necessary.

TABLE 5Bughunt
SystemSpace Hulk
Game MasterStuart Murray
Players2 - 4 playersComplexity
Is this going to be a stand-up fight, sir, or another bug hunt?

TABLE 6Puma Down!
SystemI Ain't Been Shot Mum/B'Maso!
Game MasterMark Kinsey
Players4 - 6 playersComplexity
April 9, 1979. Enroute to Mapai, Mozambique as part of Operation Bootlace, Puma 164 has been shot down by RPG fire. Rhodesian Light Infantry and Rhodesian SAS have been tasked to search for survivors and recover any dead, as well as destroying the evidence of the helicopter itself in the face of oncoming ZANLA or FRELIMO patrols.

Saturday Morning

TABLE 1Something is Afoot Around Restalac IV
SystemFFG's X-Wing
Game MasterDerek Rogillio
Players6 playersComplexity
As a quiet backwater planet in a system with few valuable resources, Restalac IV should be the last place to see conflict between the Empire and Rebel Alliance. However, ships continue to pour into the system with many recognizable dignitaries from both sides. The capture of one of these important people could be most advantageous for your cause ...

We will play a series of short scenarios linked together in the space around Restalac IV.

TABLE 2Convergence Exercise
SystemProject: SMITE
Game MasterNoam Izenberg
Players4 - 8 playersComplexity
A staggered series of space duel wargames. Teams or fleets (depending on number of players) change opponents every few turns. Damaged/destroyed ships are restored each switch.

TABLE 3Scratch-build Workshop and Contest
Game MasterKen Wang
Players8 contestantsComplexity
Two Parts 1. Scratch-build Workshop will be open to all interested, provided enough room around the table. Presentation to include scratch-build basics, modeling, resources, concepts, and scaled production. 2. Scratch-build Contest will be limited to the first eight people to sign up. Each contestant will receive an identical bag of components to use as the basis of their scratch-build model. The models will be entered for judging Saturday afternoon by GZG ECC attendees. Prizes will be awarded to the top three scratch-build models.

TABLE 4Drop Zone Z
SystemFMA Skirmish
Game MasterJeff Aubert
Players4 - 6 playersComplexity
What started as an orbital drop onto New Melbourne to help supress an insurrection has become a battle for survival. Elements of the XVIIth Orbital Drop Brigade discovered that the 'insurrection' was in fact an outbreak of the dreaded Solanum Virus and are now making for retrieval boats; most have already lifted out. Looks like a few other Fire Teams made it to pickup as well, and you can see the last boat. Wait a many passengers does that thing carry?!?

TABLE 5The Revolution will be televised (with a 15 minute delay)
SystemTomorrow's War, 28mm
Game MasterShan Palmatier
Players4 - 6 playersComplexity
War is Declared as the Martian Colony seeks Independence. Terran forces seek to force entry into the main Habitat Dome, but are the marines ready for a war that is as much political as it is military?

TABLE 6Beat the Odds
SystemForce on Force
Game MasterRon Walls
Players8 playersComplexity
Seal Team Seven has been tasked with a night raid to eliminate a high value Taliban target operating out of an insurgent training camp in Helmand province, Afghanistan. According to intelligence reports, Taliban resistance should be light. Join the battle as coalition or insurgent forces and fight for victory! NOTE: This event uses the Ambush Alley Force on Force rules.

Saturday Afternoon

TABLE 1Operation Damocles
SystemFull Thrust
Game MasterRich Oden
Players4 - 8 playersComplexity
In late 2175, NSL military intelligence uncovered the existence of an ESU science station located in the obscure frontier system K-NN57. The system was home to a small hostile-environment mining settlement, People's Glorious Triumph #74, but the station was concealed in low orbit around an outer system gas giant called Damocles (at least by the UNSC astrographic mission that originally charted it). Indications were that Damocles Station was conducting secret military research into a new weapon system, and had been specially built to incorporate equipment to study and possibly manipulate local electromagnetic anomalies unique to the Damocles moon/ring system. After due consideration the Admiralty decided to send a task force to K-NN57 aimed at either destroying the station or capturing it and carrying off whatever materials and information they could. A series of diversionary raids in the area were launched to draw off ESU patrols, but some resistance from local guard forces was still expected and the "mystery super weapon" might be operational as well. Accordingly, a strong task force was assembled around the dreadnought Pommern. On January 2nd, 2176, the strike force arrived in K-NN57 and began their assault on Damocles Station.

TABLE 2Nova Station
SystemColonial Battlefleet
Game MasterRichard Meaden
Players2 - 6 playersComplexity
After months of stalemate along the Volkhan Salient, a daring and unexpected strike by Eurasian naval forces has caused disruption and retreat in many New Anglian sectors along the Salient. The plan: disrupt lines of supply and smash defenses before NAC forces can recover. It is at an unimportant backwater naval base that NAC Command desperately hope to hold the line and finally stem the tide.

TABLE 3Shooting Fish in a Barrel 3
SystemFull Thrust
Game MasterCarl Scheu
Players4 - 8 playersComplexity
The Empire has had mixed results in ensnaring Mon Cal Cruisers, where their supperior maneurverablilty has allowed them to evade and even Flank Empire forces, but now we've got them in our Interdictor snare in open space. What could possibly go wrong?

TABLE 4Get Back ... To Serenity
SystemStarGrunt II Variant
Game MasterBarosi and Connell
Players6 playersComplexity
Mal and his Serenity crew plan to run weapons to a nearby village harboring insurgents who are struggling with local authorities and the Alliance. Well ... what could go wrong with that?

TABLE 5Terran forces have entered the base....zzzzzzzzzsh
SystemTomorrow's War, 28mm
Game MasterShan Palmatier
Players4 - 6 playersComplexity
Fighting moves to the interior of the habitat dome, resulting in a brutal close quarters slug fest between zero-gravity trained marines, and under-tech'ed security forces with a home field advantage. Welcome to Mars!

TABLE 6Its Life, Jim, But Not As We Know It
Game MasterStuart Murray
Players4 - 6 playersComplexity
Deep Space, Thursday next week, on board the NSEA Guardian. The Guardian, a deep-ish space survey vessel, is busy surveying when a priority message comes through from Starfleet Command. The Guardian is ordered to investigate an anomaly detected on planetoid LV-246, a somewhat uninteresting rock, off in the corner of a rather boring system.

As the Guardian's shuttle hurtles down to LV-246 an alarm sounds, too late to recall the away-team…

Saturday Evening

TABLE 1Babylon 5: Voices in the Dark
SystemEarth Force Source Book
Game MasterAaron Newman
4-6 PlayersplayersComplexity
25 years after the Centauri were defeated by the Interstellar Alliance, Emperor Vintari, son of Cartagia ascended to the Centauri throne and began his "Day of Reckoning". 10 years later, he decided that the only thing standing in the way of a reforged Centauri Empire, was Earth.

TABLE 2The Battle of Madderly's Star
SystemA Sky Full of Ships
Game MasterRichard Meaden
Players2 - 6 playersComplexity

TABLE 3To Boldly Go...
SystemClassic Boardgame Rules
Game MasterJohn Lerchey
Players2 - 5 playersComplexity
The crew of the Federation Starship, UFP Gumption grabbed up some unusual, shiny rocks while on Beta Gamma Theta Epsilon 3 (also known as Bob) for analysis. They never expected that the rocks were actually eggs, and that they'd have to fight for their very lives!

TABLE 4Super Mega Hyper Mecha Smackdown! (Lite)
SystemModified Full Thrust
Game MasterMartin Connell
Players8 playersComplexity
Giant transforming Mecha in deadly arena combat return with enhancements from the Mecha pilots themselves! Flying kicks and in game Mecha mods have been sanctioned by the Mecha Combat Federation! Are you pilot enough to fill the shoes of Tom "The Mangler" McCarthy, last year's champion? Be BOLD! Be DARING!! Be DEADLY!!!

TABLE 5White Star, Blood Red
SystemTomorrow's War
Game MasterJerry Acord
Players4 playersComplexity
Revolutsiya! Comrades, the imperialist capitalist UNA forces are pressing on the city. Our Red Blok power armor brothers have orders to fall back to the starport, and it is our duty to screen their withdrawal. Let the streets run red with the White Stars' blood!

TABLE 6Free Fire Zone
SystemTomorrow's War
Game MasterRon Wall
Players8 playersComplexity
Colonial Marines are en route to a colony on planet Sigma IV which stopped broadcasting just over a month ago. Recent communications indicate a contingent of Weyland Yutani security personnel are also on their way to the facility to assist with the search and rescue operation. Grab your gear, it's time to lock and load! NOTE: This event uses the Ambush Alley Tomorrow’s War rules.

Sunday Morning

TABLE 1Convoy Run
SystemFull Thrust
Game MasterRich Oden
Players4 - 8 playersComplexity
Civilian freighter convoys are a rich prize for pirates and commerce raiders. Can their escorts protect them, or will the cargo ships all wind up as loot - or space debris?

TABLE 2Open Gaming

TABLE 3Arena Team Deathmatch 2022
SystemFull Thrust Variant
Game MasterJon Davis
Players4 - 12 playersComplexity
Reality TV in 2022 continues to appeal to the lowest common denominator to attract viewers, sponsors, and the coveted rating. Live vehicular team deathmatch events featuring tricked out cars and trucks with machine guns, rocket launchers, flamethrowers, and other instruments of death and destruction! Compete for prizes and glory.

TABLE 4Nacht der Toten
SystemCinematic FMAS
Game MasterDamond Walker
Players4 playersComplexity
For the third time in the last 10 minutes Sargent Allen checked the magazine in his battered Thompson smg; the weapon he'd carried since dropping into France. Sitting in the corner private Johnson noticed this and said, "Calm down sarge. There's nothing out there." Allen looked through the cracks of the boarded up window willing his eyesight to pierce the dense fog that rolled outside the ruins in which the remainder of his squad hunkered down for the night. Turning back towards Johnson he said, "Something isn't right Mike. I don't know what it is but something ain't right."

Turning back to the window Johnson mumbled to himself, "Something isn't right..."

Welcome to October 1944 and Germany's last ditch effort to stall the Allied advance with a new "wonder weapon." The dead. And not just your standard reanimated corpses. Oh no. German scientists are crafty and their engineers are, well, engineers. So yes you can expect boring reanimated corpses but you should also prepare yourself for zombies with gas-powered power fists. Your mission, regardless of if you accept it or not, is to survive relentless waves of reanimated corpses bent upon one single goal -- eating your brain. If they happen to push the Allies back to the ocean? Well that's okay too.

TABLE 5A Walk Through the Valley of Death
SystemTomorrow's War
Game MasterMark Kocthe
Players2-4 playersComplexityBasic
"The humans, I think, knew they were doomed. But where another race would surrender to despair, the humans fought back with even greater strength. They made the Minbari fight for every inch of space. In my life, I have never seen anything like it. They would weep, they would pray, they would say good-bye to their loved ones, and then throw themselves, without fear or hesitation, at the very face of death itself, never surrendering..." – Emperor Londo Mollari, 2278

The year was 2247. Flinn Colony was the site of some of the bloodiest ground fighting during the Earth-Minbari War (2245-2248). Prior to this the Minbari were able to deal with ground forces in a pretty straight-forward manner, but Flinn Colony’s ground-based defenses forced the Minbari to land a large number of units on the planet itself. Massive hand-to-hand combat raged across the planet’s surface, until every human of Flinn Colony was killed. But high Minbari casualties told the tale that the humans made the Minbari pay for every human death inflicted.

TABLE 6Rhodesian Bush War: External Ops
SystemI Ain't Been Shot Mum/B'Maso!
Game MasterMark Kinsey
Players4 - 6 playersComplexity
Assault by Rhodesian Armoured and Airborne Forces on a ZANLA base deep in Mozambique. This is a representation of a typical joint airborne and "Black Devil" operation circa 1978 or 79 utilizing the Eland-90, Unimog transports, Hunter-Hawker jets, Lynx planes and Alouette III G and K car helicopters.

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