The GZG ECC XVI Quote Board FRIDAY EVENING Indy to Jonathan (Loitering in Hallway) Indy: Why are you sitting out here? Jonathan: ...I forgot the room number. Steve: Bruce the Yeti... The Deer Hunter Dave W: "I'm not a dumb Klingon" (Upon observing a map full of asteroids) Indy: Ron, like I have a rep of rolling 1's, Jerry flies into things. Jerry, the asteroids move. Jerry: Aw, sh*t. (USS Excelsior leading a pack of smaller Federation ships, headed by Commodore Masefield) "Excelsor to Federation Commodore Masefield - do you have ship envy?" Roll a d10 to check for lucidity (Starships maneuver so that a Klingon L-9 is flying directly up the stern of the USS Excelsor) Ron: "He's trying to come through the shuttle bay!" Indy (as Admiral Sulu): "I feel threatened. Oh Myyy...." (EDITOR NOTE: If you don't get the joke, see: -------------------------------------------------------------- SATURDAY MORNING Marty: Wow, he's a VERY discerning zombie that he would go after the sniper." (As zombies take volley after volley of fire from Mark K) Marty: "For observers, you guys have a real obsession with violence." Marty: I'm going to the little Zombie room D. Skelly: "It's a Toyota. If it can pull the space shuttle, it can pull a tank." Ron: "He was shot in the artery, he screams differently." (A pickup truck modified with a HMG, known as a technical, is packed full of crew, wounded and dead bodies.) Ron: Bodies are now hanging over the sides. Aaron: It's now an up-ARM-ored technical. (A cultist abandons the cult to escape a zombie infested planet, but is killed in the attempt.) Carl: That's what he gets for leaving THE PATH. -------------------------------------------------------------- SATURDAY AFTERNOON Benji:My favourite part was when you ran over your own guy with the truck by accident. Greg: ... It wasn't an accident. Stuart: Leading with the scientists may not be the smartest move. Dead Ship - "The Kenny Too" Noam: There are fresh uniforms back on the ship! JP: I think he's talking about his pants. Anon: I was. KEN STILL LIVES! -------------------------------------------------------------- SATURDAY EVENING (Marine LT watching a soldier discover a lot of empty Alien egg sacs) Player: "Ooooooh. That's not good." Steve: Come on, don'tyou want to race in and get your own face-hugger? Mark Kinsey: You fired upon our own troops, we're returning fire Indy: We're sending it back to you. Steve: The lift goes up from 1 to 2 and the doors open Dave: Ding! I'm on the wrong floor! Player: Is that a collision? Dave: Right up the rear. (After first being ordered to shoot Marines, and then told to shoot Aliens) Jerry: I wish you would make up your mind who I'm supposed to shoot at! Mark K, hearing Colonial Marine chatter disappear into silence: "Oh no." Ron (to Mark Kinsey): Roll your attack Steve: Don't get any 1's (Rolls one 1) Ron: Bishop is a casualty Stuart: It's okay, we have two. (After watching Aliens swarm, get through the hatches and destroy a light tank) Jerry H: I hadn't realized Aliens had opposable thumbs to open hatches Greg: ... and the tank? Jerry: The tank was the Aliens' lunchbox. Crunchy outside, chewy center. -------------------------------------------------------------- SUNDAY MORNING Noam: Ooooo. There's a ramp! JP: Jerry [Accord], do you mind playing with Carl? Jerry A: Sure, I can do that. JP: Good. Jim and I want to shoot at him. Chris D: My CORPSE is disappointed. (Playing Arena Deathmatch) Ken W: This isn't like Monopoly! There's no Free Parking! Jon D: Roll a d6 to see if you're stunned at the loss of your brother. (Benji rolls) Jon D: You're not stunned. Jon D: That doesn't look like a bootlegger reverse. Noam: This is a "controlled" bootlegger reverse; this is a performance vehicle! (Thomas is shooting at a space freighter branded with the Pepsi logo) Ron: You're going to spread liquid refreshment throughout the galaxy. Stuart: Or Pepsi. Jon D: More Chutzpah, Less Physics! Jon D: There's no one that stands out... Ken W: ...that says shoot me.