What is GZG ECC?
The Ground Zero Games/East Coast Convention (GZG ECC) is a gathering of fans
of minaiture gaming. We feature Jon Tuffley's
science fiction rules, but accept all sorts of gaming rules. This convention is run on a
non-profit, volunteer basis, for fun and friendship.
GZG ECC has five event periods with various games with prizes, a miniatures contest,
a vendors area, door prizes, a trading/swap area and open gaming. Prizes in
the past have been donated by GZG, Brigade Miniatures, Decals Express,
Combat Wombat, Force XXI, King and Kerr, Starmats Plus, among others.
Currently the convention organization committee consists of Jon Davis, Jerry Han, and
Mark Kochte, with help from all our game-runners and people who support us through
prizes and by buying our stuff.
What games do we play at GZG ECC?
All sorts of games! We feature the rulesets of Jon Tuffley:
Full Thrust
Full Thrust is a set of generic rules for simulating starship combat in
ny background. The system includes rules for missiles, beam weapons, fighters,
asteroids, FTL travel, sensors, and other aspects of starship combat.
Extremely adaptable, it has been used in house rules around the world, as
well generating three supplements, More Thrust and Fleet Book, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 It also forms the basis for the starship combat system in
The Babylon Project. These rules are available online for free:
References to FT3 relate to the 3rd Edition of Full Thrust, currently under development. People at GZG ECC have run
several playtests of these rules.
Dirtside II
Dirtside II is a comprehensive set of generic rules for simulating science
fiction battles in virtually any background or "future history." The
system covers combined arms actions from a few platoons up to a full
battalion combat group level. Rules are included for infantry, AFVs of
all types, artillery, aerospace support and landings, combat walkers, and
much more! The game is designed for use with 1:300/1:285/6mm scale miniatures,
but will function equally well with 1:200 or other scales. Download the rules here: Dirtside II
Stargrunt II
Stargrunt II is a comprehensive set of generic rules for simulating
science-fiction infantry combat in virtually any background. The system
covers actions for a few squads up to a full company level. Rules are
included for infantry, power armoured troops, AFVs, artillery, and
aerospace support and much more! The game is designed for use with 25mm
scale miniatures, but will function equally well with 15mm or other
scales. Download the rules here: Stargrunt II
Babylon Project: Earthforce Source Book
The Earthforce Sourcebook outlines the structure of Earthgov's military
arm, delves into the military life, details Earthforce facilities and
ships, and features The Babylon Project's ship-to-ship combat system.
Originally published by Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc., this
book is now out of print, but still has its supporters, and each GZG ECC
usually features one or two events based on this rulesbook.
Power Projection
Power Projection features sci-fi miniatures space combat in the classic
universe of Traveller, inspired by Full Thrust. The two books currently in
the series are completely standalone, and contain rules for fighting
smaller and larger ships. Power Projection: Fleet contains campaign and ship conversion
rules in addition to the combat sequences.
More information here!
Full Metal Anorak
FMA, or Full Metal Anorak is a set of skirmish sci-fi combat rules, played
at both 15mm or 25mm, that Jon Tuffley released for playtesting several years
ago. It's been running in playtest at GZG ECC ever since. It features the same type
of mechanics of Stargrunt II, except focusing on man to man combat.
However, the games we play don't have to be based on a Jon Tuffley ruleset!
We also play a large variety of other games during the convention.
And there are plenty of house rules modifications as well! Basically, any sci-fi
minatures ruleset is welcome, though, we tend to give priority in our event scheduling
to Jon Tuffley rulesets or smaller releases. However, if we have space, and if you want to
try something out at convention that features a small group of dedicated, knowledgable gamers,
drop us a line!
What other events do you guys have?
- We usually have a miniatures contest, vendors, the infamous
quote board, a swap table, after-hours 'unofficial' games,
among other things. Finally, we usually get to playtest new GZG products at
the convention... come on out and see what we'll have this year.
Where does GZG ECC take place?
- The conventions take place at the
Owego Treadway Inn,
located in Owego, NY.
We'll be running organized events starting
Friday evening, all through Saturday, and Sunday morning.
When does GZG ECC take place?
- We aim for a timeslot in late February, early March, every year.
Our next convention is GZG ECC XV, running February 24 - February 26, 2011.
What about Registration?
- Registration information for the next convention is usually
posted in two parts. The first part is the "Call for Events", and
is usually posted in mid-September of the previous year. The
pre-registration announcement usually goes up in late November,
early Decmeber.
The "Call for Events" will go up in September 2011, and Pre-Registration
will be announced in November/December 2011.
How much does it cost?
- You can either pre-register for GZG ECC, or pay at
the door. For GZG ECC XIV (February, 2011), our rates were:
- Friday Only - $10
- Saturday Only - $15
- Sunday Only - $10
- Pre-register for the weekend - $30
More information is announced when registration starts. As this convention
is non-profit, we try very hard to keep prices as low as possible. Our
current prediction is that we'll be able to keep the February 2012 rates
the same as those posted above.
What about Volunteers?
- We always need volunteers to help us run this convention!
If you can sit at the front desk, or run an event or two,
that would be great. We'd like all official events to be GZG games,
or variants thereof.
If you want to volunteer for the next convention, you can email
Jon Davis. If you would like
to run an event, please specify the title and description of the event,
the number of players, what ruleset you'll be using, what difficulty level is
the event, and a timeslot preference, if any. More detail is provided
in the "Call For Events" that comes out about five or six months
ahead of the convention.
Con Volunteers will get $5 off their registration fee at the end of the
We also need people to help spread the word about us! You can download
our poster, print it out, and pass it around (or hang it in your local
hobby store), or display one of our banners on your
web site! Link to us, tell people all about us.